For club members we offer mentoring services to new beekeepers and regular meetings with interesting speakers.
Membership subscription $25 per year. There is a one-off joining fee of $25.
The first year's subscription is pro rata at $2 per month e.g. if joined in May: $22, August: $16, December: $8.
(1 membership subscription is valid for multiple people at same residential address)
Internet bank transfer Details are:
Waikato Domestic Beekeepers Association
Westpac Bank Account # 03-0314-0185634-00
**Please use your Name and a contact Phone Number when paying by Internet transfer
If you are interested in joining please fill out the form below - or complete our Membership form (PDF)
If you wish to come along to a meeting please see our events page. You don't need to have a hive to come along!